Local Mission Partners
Our church supports the local work of Devonport Chaplaincy as they connect with local schools, families and students. www.devonportchaplaincy.org.au
Devonport Church of Christ has a highly valued partnership with Hillcrest Primary School, providing trained mentors to come alongside struggling kids in a special one-to-one relationship.
We are pleased to partner with Gran’s Van in supporting the needy in our community. Gran’s Van operatest 3 times a week serving soup, sandwiches & a hot drink. Volunteers from our church participate in thisprogram.
Andrew spends his time on the mission field of the University of Tasmania campus in Hobart reaching the students with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Andrew and team help facilitate outreach events during ‘O week’, seminars and ‘Christianity Explained’ courses.
Each and every year individuals and families are nominated to receive one of our hampers at Christmas. We love blessing people at Christmas and showing them the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
Global Mission Partners
His name is David Reddy and he is in ministry at the Lautoka and Vitogo Community Churches of Christ in Fiji. Those who attend the Lautoka Church experience a service in Hindi language and live in the nearby suburban environment of Lautoka. About 15 minutes away is a small sugar cane cutter’s settlement called Vitogo. These settlements are primarily Indo-Fijian and reflect the history of these communities as migrant sugar cane labourers. The members of this church do not have cars so David picks them up in his utility and brings them together for Sunday worship.
David is married to Christie and they have a daughter, Destiny, and a son, Joy. Ministry is something they share as a family and represents a deep trusting in God for all they need.
As a church partner, Devonport Church of Christ can offer assistance in many ways these include:
- Support in outreach, evangelism and prayer ministry through regular short term mission trips.
- Spiritual encouragement and solidarity
Wisdom in future development and property needs - Leadership development
- Spiritual depth and strength.
- Financial support through GMP
- Encouragement and support in the love of Christ
Empart exists to empower and partner with communities through various social development programs. We equip local leaders, empower women, nurture children, restore health, improve livelihoods, and respond to emergencies. Through our unique programs, our teams in the field provide vocational skills training, relief and development, hygiene education and medical care.
Since 2003 Reach Beyond (Australia) formerly HCJB Australia has been transmitting from far North West Australia to the Asia Pacific region through short wave radio and today broadcasts programs for 9 hours a day in 31 languages, including 20 South Asia languages.
Reach Beyond is part of a global community committed to reaching unreached people groups with the gospel through the use of dynamic media and high quality programs along with healthcare and community development.’ ‘ … www.reachbeyond.org.au
Our mission is to strengthen and prepare Christians living in persecution, and to mobilise the Australian church to identify with the global body of Christ.’ ‘ …
We partner with Christians and local churches in Australia. Your support enables believers living in some of the darkest places on Earth to be a light for Christ.’ ‘ … Our mission is to make sure that the persecuted church is remembered in every church, every Bible study and every home. www.opendoors.org.au