You Can't Follow Jesus And Stay Where You Are
God calls every Christian to not only believe, but to follow Him boldly, and become a disciple. It’s an exciting life-long journey of becoming more like Jesus one step at a time. At Devonport Church of Christ we believe that everybody has a next step.
As we mature; we connect deeper, we grow stronger, and we serve wider. We never stop connecting, growing and serving!
So, whether you are new in your faith, or have been a Christ-follower for decades, we’d love to invite you on this journey with us because you can't follow Jesus and stay where you are.
'Lunch On Us'
One of your first step's is to be our special guest at one of our 'Lunch On Us' gatherings usually after our 10:30am service. Our generous hosts will open up their home to provide a wonderful opportunity for you to meet the leaders, hear about the vision of the church and get to meet other people who are also new to our church. Lunch is on us!

'This Is Us'
We are in the process of developing a series of short and sharp information media clips so that you can find out all you need to know about Devonport Church of Christ.

Serve and Grow Steps
We believe that through serving and growing that we discover who God has truly called us to be.
* Serve in the Church
* Serve the City
* Join a small group
* Sign up for a growth course

Jesus- our Lord and Saviour- was baptised, and it is His example that we follow. He has called us to follow Him and one of the first steps HE calls us to take in the Christian life is to be baptised- to declare before the Church, our friends, and family, that we are wholly devoted to Him.
In the book of Acts, when the Church began, the apostles and the believers understood that to accept the Gospel of Jesus, a person needed to repent and be baptised.
To turn around/change direction
To agree with God that we have failed to love and obey Him and have instead ignored Him and gone our own way
To turn to God and choose to follow Jesus for the rest of our life
This is an external, public declaration that a person makes after they have internally, by faith, chosen to follow Jesus.
We would love to begin a conversation with you about taking your next step and being baptised into Christ.